
新浦安・浦安で英会話を学ぶならケント英会話学院 KENT英会話学院

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Time for English- it's April!

The new term is just starting and we are busy welcoming new students, giving model lessons and hoping to help our old students with lots of fresh ideas!
Children can enjoy this month's challenge- it's a quiz about food- and try to win a prize!

Come and see us, find out about our courses, or just pop in for a friendly chat!

新浦安・浦安で英会話を学ぶならケント英会話学院 KENT英会話学院

〒 279-0012 千葉県浦安市入船1-4-1 ショッパーズプラザ新浦安7F

TEL 047-353-8708  FAX 047-353-8708